
Ius Dictum is a scientific journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, founded in January 2020, published every four months.

The publication of articles in Ius Dictum is preceded by a double-blind peer review process. Ius Dictum has an international vocation, being open to authors and readers of different nationalities and languages, thus aiming to contribute to a broad and multicultural debate on the legal problems it deals with.

Subject Matters

Ius Dictum publishes studies on the various instances of Law, particularly in the spectrum of the following thematic areas:


Ius Dictum's Board of Directors is composed of Professors from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, being the Editorial Board composed of teachers and students from this institution.
In a clear mission of internationalization of knowledge, the Scientific Council of Ius Dictum includes university Professors of different nationalities.

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